The strange puzzle that has everyone stumped


People all over the internet are talking about a smart puzzle that makes even the most experienced puzzle fans scratch their heads. After being shared on social media, the brain test has gotten over 2.4k likes and 2.6k comments, with many people eager to take it on.

At first glance, it looks like the game is pretty easy. It tells people to look for a woman’s name in the text. There is a catch, though: the answer is not as simple as it seems. It only says “It’s on the riddle I just wrote” as a hint, so the person who wants to answer it has to figure out what it means.

The puzzle has gotten a lot of attention on the internet, and many people have shared their complaints and ideas in the comments section. Some people have said the answer is “right in front of you,” while others have said they’ve spent hours trying to figure it out.

What’s the answer then? The answer is in the way the line is put together and the phrase “it’s on the riddle I just wrote.” By reading the text very carefully, readers can find that the woman’s name is hidden right there. The answer is “Rose,” which can be made by taking some letters out of the word.

This kind of puzzle makes us remember how much we enjoy a good task. They make us think outside the box, try our limits, and make us feel good when we finally figure out the answer. This puzzle is sure to test your ability to think of solutions, whether you’re an experienced puzzle fan or just looking for a fun challenge.


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