At a gender reveal party, there is a plot to get even.


Sam, my brother-in-law, chose to have a party to find out the gender of his first child. I’ll never forget that day. What was supposed to be a fun party turned into a mess that no one will ever forget.

Strangely, the party invitation said that each person should bring a gift for Sam and Berta, who are going to have a baby soon. No one really liked the last-minute dress rule, though: everyone had to wear all white.

The sudden change made me mad, but Dean, my fiancé, wasn’t as upset about it. We both ended up wearing white clothes, but we had no idea what was going to happen next.

As we waited for Sam and Berta to make the big reveal, they hit a button on a remote. Suddenly, pink and blue paint shot out of secret nozzles and covered everyone! There was silence in the room for a moment, and then shock, anger, and sadness broke out.

The whole thing turned out to be a joke that Sam and Berta had planned. They ruined everyone’s clothes for fun. The guests were very angry, and things quickly became unpleasant.

Then, though, something strange happened. As the party’s demands got too high, Sam’s mother stepped in to take care. She gave Sam and Berta a gift together. Instead of the trip that was supposed to happen, it was a stack of gift cards to buy new clothes.

People in the room agreed, and Sam’s mother told her son and his girlfriend, “Actions have consequences, and it’s time you both learnt about respect and consideration.”


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