Mom issues warning after 10-year-old son collapses after playing in the ocean


A Refreshing Day at the Beach Turns into a Harrowing Experience for a Massachusetts Mother
Heather Cassini, a 40-year-old mother from Massachusetts, learned a valuable lesson during a recent family trip to Hampton Beach in New Hampshire. Despite the scorching temperatures, the ocean water was icy cold, and her 10-year-old son Declan suffered a terrifying bout of hypothermia.

Initially, Cassini wasn’t concerned when Declan complained of feeling unwell, thinking he just needed a break from the sun and waves. However, his condition rapidly deteriorated, and he became disoriented, collapsed, and lost consciousness. Cassini, who is pregnant, was frantic with worry as she tried to revive her son.

Fortunately, a group of quick-thinking women nearby sprang into action, and paramedics were called to the scene. Declan received prompt medical attention, and his vitals were stabilized. After a harrowing ordeal, he eventually recovered, and the family was relieved to see him back on his feet.

Cassini was shocked to discover that her son had suffered hypothermia, a condition she had never considered possible on a sweltering summer day. She is now determined to spread awareness about the dangers of cold shock and hypothermia, even in warm weather.

Her warning serves as a vital reminder for parents and caregivers to be vigilant and prepared for unexpected situations, even during leisure activities like a day at the beach. By sharing her story, Cassini hopes to prevent similar incidents and ensure everyone can enjoy the sun, sand, and surf safely.


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