The story of Natalie is a stark warning that everyone has the right to privacy, even in their own homes. She didn’t agree with her husband giving their house key to his mother, but it set off a chain of events that would test her trust and loyalty.
Natalie was very angry when her husband gave his mother the key to the house, saying that she deserved it since she had paid for it. Natalie felt like she couldn’t stop him, so she put in a camera to watch over their house without anyone knowing.
After months, Natalie’s gut feeling turned out to be right. When she got back from a business trip, she found that some valuable decorations were stolen. She was shocked to see her husband and his mother packing up the things when she looked at the video tape.
The shocking news was terrible. Natalie’s husband explained his mom’s actions by saying she was hurt when Natalie refused to give her the keys at first and wanted to get back the wedding gifts she had given them.
Natalie wasn’t upset about the gifts, though. She was upset about how no one respected her privacy and independence in her own home. The fact that her husband stood with his mother made the wound worse.
Natalie’s problem brings up important issues: How do we know the difference between personal needs and family duties? Is it too much to ask for privacy in our own homes?
Natalie has to deal with a lot of relationships and trust issues. Her story shows us how important it is to talk to each other, respect each other, and set clear limits in our personal lives.
What do you think? Was Natalie’s request for privacy too much to ask for, or did her husband’s choice break her trust?