Optical illusions do more than confuse our eyes – they can expose hidden aspects of how we think. Try these two classic tests to discover what your first impressions say about your mental wiring.
First, the running man: If he appeared to be moving away, your brain defaults to big-picture, intuitive processing. You’re probably comfortable with ambiguity and good at reading between the lines. If he seemed to be coming toward you, your mind favors sharp focus and step-by-step analysis – you excel at breaking down complex problems.
Now the cat and mouse: Which did you spot first? Cat people tend to be careful planners who think before acting. Mouse spotters often prefer freedom and spontaneity – rules and routines might feel restrictive to you.
Here’s the kicker – these differences have nothing to do with gender and everything to do with cognitive style. The healthiest approach? Recognizing when to shift between these modes. After all, sometimes we need careful analysis, and other times we benefit from going with our gut.
Which combinations describe your thinking? The answers might help you understand why certain tasks feel natural while others require more effort.