Stephen Hawking on God, Religion, and the Afterlife from a Cosmological Point of View


Stephen Hawking was a revolutionary theoretical physicist who changed the way we think about the world forever. People were interested in and argued about what he said about God, faith, and the afterlife.

Hawking said in interviews and papers what he thought about the idea of a higher power. He thought that science was a more logical way to explain how the world came to be than the idea of God creating it.

Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow wrote “The Grand Design,” in which they say that physics, not a god, created the world. “The universe can create itself from nothing due to laws like gravity,” Hawking said.

Hawking also had scientific ideas about the future. He thought it was wishful thinking that went against what science knew. “No one created the universe or controls our destiny,” he said in “Brief Answers to the Big Questions.”

Hawking didn’t believe in an afterlife, but he accepted other people’s beliefs. “We’re free to believe what we want,” he stated. “The simplest explanation, in my opinion, is that there is no God.”

Hawking’s ideas came from his background in math and his desire to use physical rules to understand the universe. Even though he had different ideas than other people, his scientific accomplishments will last forever.

Through his writing, Hawking questioned common ideas about God and the future. We will keep looking into the world and our place in it because of what he left behind.


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