A Mother-in-Law’s Secret: Figuring Out How People Get Pregnant


As I began my journey with Toby, I hit it big with Julia, my dear mother-in-law. Her unfailing help and support became my rock, especially when we were trying to have a baby.

Toby and I chose to start a family after three years of marriage. After months of trying, nothing worked, and hopelessness set in. That’s when Julia stepped in and gave advice and other options.

She put me in touch with a health coach, gave us fertility massages, and even bought us a new mattress because she believed that rest was important for getting pregnant. Her excitement was contagious, and we were glad to have her help.

Then, miracle after miracle, I found out I was pregnant. As Julia took care of us in the early days of being parents, her happiness was clear.

But things took a strange turn when Toby found a silk bag hidden under our mattress that was full of herbs that could help with pregnancy. The world was shook.

Was Julia’s gift more than just a nice thing to do? Had she secretly made it easier for us to get pregnant? The doubt was making me feel bad.

He destroyed the mattress because he was afraid of what might happen. This leaves us with more questions than solutions. How could Julia not tell us this? Did she really think the herbs were that powerful?

We could tell Julia felt bad when we talked to her about it. She did what she did because she loved us and wanted to help us start a family.

When things were bad, my daughter Maddie helped me feel better. No matter how she came to be, the fact that she existed was the greatest wonder.

Toby took a while to forget Julia, but her promise to be honest going forward helped mend the relationship.

After this, I started to wonder if natural cures and old wives’ tales really work. Or did Maddie just have to be there?

What would you do if you were us? Would you like to accept the unknown or look for answers?


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