One man’s dedication to his marriage is put to the test.


A Facebook message late at night woke me up from my quiet evening. A friend request from a past girlfriend got my attention. I said yes and sent a message that asked, “Do we know each other?” I was shocked when she told me, “I heard you got married, but I still love you.”

When I looked at my sleeping wife, I felt thankful and faithful. She left her nice family home to start a new life with me. The trust she put in me and the things she did for me broke my heart.

It hit me how much faith my wife had in me when I looked at her calm face. I knew I had to keep that trust. I quickly blocked the woman from my past and turned off my phone.

I knew I wasn’t just a boy at that moment; I was a man, bound by my vows. I would say no to any temptation that could split up our family.

This experience made me think about how important trust and loyalty are in relationships. Not only was I turning down an old flame, but I also had to keep my word to my wife.

To get married, you need to be mature, committed, and selfless. That night, I decided to put my relationship first, which strengthened my bond with my wife.

In this case, what would you do? Would you stick to your promise or change your mind? Say what you think.

This story shows how important it is to be faithful and loyal in a marriage. It shows that true love takes hard decisions and unwavering commitment.


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