A Simple Trick to Ensure Food Safety After a Power Outage


Have you ever returned home from a trip or evacuation to wonder if your refrigerated food is still safe to eat? Thanks to a clever tip from Sheila Pulanco Russell, you can now put your mind at ease.

All you need is a cup, water, and a coin. Fill the cup with water, freeze it, and place the coin on top. Leave it in your freezer before you leave.

When you return, check the cup. If the coin has fallen to the bottom, the food has defrosted and refrozen, making it unsafe to consume. But if the coin remains on top or in the middle, your food might still be good.

This handy trick works because when the power goes out, the coin will sink to the bottom of the cup as the water melts. If the power returns and the water refreezes, the coin will remain at the bottom, indicating a potential food safety risk.

Sheila’s tip has gone viral, and for good reason. It’s a simple yet effective way to ensure food safety during power outages or extended absences. So, share this lifesaving trick with your loved ones and stay safe!


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