Meet Boop, the Adorable Baby Feathertail Glider


At the Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, a tiny bundle of joy has stolen the show. Boop, a baby feathertail glider, weighs less than one gram and has captured hearts with her irresistible cuteness.

After venturing out of her mother’s pouch, Boop was discovered and brought to the wildlife sanctuary for care and nurturing before her release back into the wild.

Feathertail gliders, named for their distinctive flat tails with stiff fringed hair, are native Australian animals that glide through trees with ease. These tiny mammals, related to Pygmy possums, can enter a state of torpor to conserve energy during cold weather or food scarcity.

Boop’s species boasts a remarkable gliding ability, stretching their skin flap like a parachute to cover great distances. Their feet, resembling furry frog feet, enable them to climb almost any surface, even vertical glass!

Feathertail gliders inhabit eastern Australia, building nests in tree cavities or abandoned bird nests. They live in communal groups, reproducing year-round in the north and seasonally in the south.

With a lifespan of four years in the wild, these tiny gliders have won over hearts with their big eyes, soft fur, and remarkable abilities. Boop’s story highlights the importance of conservation and care for these precious creatures.


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