The inspiring story of a 9-year-old boy’s survival is called “Abandoned but Unbroken.”


A 9-year-old boy in southwest France lived alone for two years after his mother left him. It is a shocking story of abuse and strength. Even though things were hard, he was very clever and determined.

A Life by Yourself

When he was left to fend for himself, the young boy ate canned food, veggies from his neighbors’ gardens, and the kindness of people who came across his path. Life was hard for him because he didn’t have power or hot water.

A Secret Life

To his teachers and students, he looked well-dressed and successful, which hid the fact that he had been left behind. Others in the neighborhood thought something was wrong but couldn’t do anything until someone finally told the police what was going on.

A Mom’s Ignorance

Phone records showed how shockingly neglectful the mother was. Since she lived only 5 km away, she didn’t come or help much. It was still unclear what role the father played, but his silence was clear.

Got the job done

This mother was found guilty of abuse and abandonment by the court and was given 18 months in prison. The boy went into foster care and did very well there, even though he had a bad past.

A brave choice

The boy decided to cut ties with his mother, who had only visited him once while he was in foster care, as he got older. He made a brave choice that started a new part of his life.

A Testimony to Strength

The boy’s story is a powerful example of how strong people can be. Even though things were unbearably hard, he kept going and did very well in school and in his personal life. His unwavering drive gives people hope and strength in the face of hardship.


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