Bringing back faith in people: a touching prom story


Every once in a while, normal people do amazing things that make us trust people again. I still cry when I think about a story I saw on Facebook many years ago.

Take a look at Mike Larson, a dad who talked about the memorable prom experience of his autistic son Jon. Like many 17-year-olds, Jon really wanted to go to his school’s dance. But it can be hard for kids with special needs to find a date.

At that moment, a senior named Maddi walked into Mike’s office with an important request. She asked Jon to go to prom with her because she met him through a school club that helps kids with special needs make friends with other kids their own age.

Many people knew how kind Maddi was. She learned that orange was Jon’s favorite color and picked out an outfit that went with it. She even made a reservation at his favorite place to eat, which serves chocolate milk, chicken fingers, and French fries.

Mike was so moved by Maddi’s kindness that he shared the story on Facebook. The post went global, and millions of people shared it and praised Maddi for not caring about herself.

There are three reasons Mike put up the story:

To help groups that work to make friendships more open to everyone.

To honor kids like Jon who are unique.

To help us remember the good things in the world when things are bad.

After many years, Mike told everyone about Jon’s progress: “He’s healthy and living at home.” Maddi, who is now married, stays humble and says she didn’t think what she did was anything special.

“When Jon was first diagnosed, I never thought he’d go to prom,” Mike thought. But Maddi made it possible, and we’ll always remember that beautiful moment.

This touching story makes us believe in people again and reminds us that kindness and care are still around.

As Mike asked, let’s tell more people about this touching story to remind them of the good things in the world.

Maddi’s kindness and care are a great lesson for all of us. Little things like what she did can make a big difference in people’s lives.


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