Laughter and Lessons from Bad Dates


A new date can quickly turn from an exciting time to a horrible one. Because of awkward talks or shocking news, some dates are better forgotten.

The Talker Who Never Stops

Someone on Reddit told a horrible story about a date who talked about his life nonstop for an hour and wouldn’t let her say anything. Even worse, he ordered food without asking what she wanted, got juice on himself, and yelled at the restaurant staff.

His bluster and ranting got worse as the night went on, and he finally lost it when she offered splitting the bill. He told her she owed him money and tried to force himself on her. That was the last straw.

The Diner with a Lot of Upkeep

A man talked about his terrible date with a woman who insisted on going to a fancy restaurant. She answered calls and texts on her phone the whole time, and he patiently put up with the awkwardness.

When the waitress offered to split the bill in a sneaky way, he took her up on it and paid his share before quickly leaving.

Bear Pebbles the Rabbit

A young man’s blind date brought a huge blue rabbit to the movies and said it made her feel better. The strange friend even got a kiss at the end of the night with his date.

The Surprise No One Wanted

A man’s friend set him up on a blind date without telling him. The woman didn’t look at all like her online pictures, and things got even stranger when her parents and nine-year-old brother joined them at the theater.

The Skimpy Person

A woman talked about a date at the London Zoo where her date asked her to pay for her own ticket even though she had a discount coupon.

The Wedding Band

When her date’s wedding ring fell out of his pocket, she found out he was married. She got up from the table and walked home right away because she was so angry.

The Test of Engagement

A man was shocked when his date told him she was engaged but still wanted to look into other choices. He quickly asked for the bill and ran out the door.

Because these dates went so badly, they teach us that it’s sometimes better to laugh and learn from our mistakes.

Have you been on a date that went badly? Tell your story!



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