The vanity license plate of a woman in New Hampshire is under fire.


The DMV thinks that Wendy Auger’s personalized license plate, “PB4WEGO,” might be off-putting. Parents often tell their kids, “Pee before we go,” which is what the plate’s saying means.

Auger, who lives in Rochester, picked the plate 15 years ago because it made him laugh. But now the DMV says it breaks rules that say pictures or references to body fluids are illegal.

Supporters say the ruling violates Auger’s right to free speech, which is similar to the state motto of New Hampshire, “Live Free or Die.” Auger says in jest that losing her plate “would just stink.”

As a result of a Supreme Court order, the state has made it clear that the new rules for vanity plates are “very specific.” Auger says that talking about peeing isn’t necessarily offensive until the final decision is made.

For more information on how this story is developing, you might want to check online news sites for new information.


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