An Unpleasant Experience at Chick-fil-A: A Call for Respect and Responsibility


A shocking thing happened to 52-year-old black man Marquise Vanzego at a Chick-fil-A diner in Maryland. He was made to feel bad about himself. Vanzego was asked for his name on August 23 when he was getting food. He clearly said “Marquise.” But when he got his food, he was shocked to see that the worker had written “Monkeys” on the ticket, which is a racist slur with a long and painful past.

Vanzego was crushed; he thought racism had caused the wound to reopen. He wrote about it on social media and shared a video of himself talking to the store manager, who said sorry and offered to give him his money back. However, Vanzego wanted to talk to the worker directly, but the staff told him that wasn’t possible.

In an interview with TODAY, Vanzego stressed the importance of responsibility and said that the 17-year-old worker should know what will happen if he doesn’t change. In a way, Vanzego thought of his own kids, who had to deal with the results of their deeds when they were young.

Chick-fil-A has admitted that the experience didn’t live up to their hopes, which is not acceptable. Still, it’s not clear if what happened was an honest mistake or a racist comment made on purpose. No doubt about it: respect and honour are basic human rights. Vanzego’s experience is a powerful reminder of how important it is to be kind and treat everyone with respect.


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