A Lesson in Being Polite


It was nice living next door to Tim for more than ten years before he moved in. At first, our meeting seemed nice, but things quickly changed.

Tim kept ignoring my property and lines, which got us into a fight that ended with him spray-painting an insult on my lawn. I picked a tough lesson for him to remember.

The last straw was when Tim parked his truck in my driveway even though I told him several times not to. When I knocked on his door, he just shook his head. At that point, I knew I had to do something about it.

My wife said I should call the homeowners’ group, but I had a better idea. My brother, who runs a landscaping business, agreed to help me. We came up with a plan to teach Tim a lesson and fix my lawn.

We put in a new watering system that used a chalk-based dye that was safe and would stick with Tim. It did happen. As he walked his dog by my house, the sprinklers soaked him in bright blue water, which made him look bad and got stains all over him.

Tim rushed over and asked me what I had done. “What are you going to do, Tim?” I asked with my arms crossed. Should I call the police about some water?”

That was the last time Tim made me mad. He learnt his lesson, and I made my neighbourhood safe again. There are times when you have to get clever to teach someone to respect you.


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