A mother fights for her family in “The Ultimate Revenge.”


Linda, my mother-in-law, has always been a pain, but when she turned my adopted daughter Lily’s room into a storage area, I knew I had to do something.

The mean things she said and did were getting out of hand, so I chose to teach her a lesson she would never forget.

As Jack and I had been married for years, I had gotten used to Linda’s interference. But when she started going after Lily, I knew I had to stop her.

Her constant negative comments and criticism about our choice to adopt had already made me angry, but this latest event was the last straw.

I took all of Linda’s things from Lily’s room and shipped them to different places, like her job and the country club. It was my goal for her to feel as ashamed and embarrassed as Lily did when she saw her messy room.

I knew I had made my point when Linda called me, mad and ashamed. She finally knew how much pain and harm she had caused our family. She hasn’t come near us since then, so we can live in peace.

I may have done something out of the ordinary, but I was fighting for the safety of my family. I hope my story reminds you that sometimes we have to stand up to bad behaviour to protect the people we care about.


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