A Flight to Remember: Telling a Rude Passenger to Quit


Alton and I were on our way home from a week-long trip to see his folks. I thought the flight would be quiet as we settled into our seats. I then saw that a woman behind us had put her bare feet on Alton’s seat.

Even after a flight worker tried to help her, she refused to take her feet off, even though we asked her several times. After that, I chose to do something about it myself.

I faked to spill water on her bag as the drink cart came up behind me and then “accidentally” poured a drink on her feet. The way she responded was hilarious.

The woman was very angry, but I just smiled and told her it was a mistake caused by rough weather. Her friend even told me I should have been nice and asked, but I knew that wouldn’t work.

The rest of the flight went smoothly, but I could tell the woman was mad. She glared at me when she saw that her bag was wet when we got off the plane. I smiled and turned my head away.

While we were getting off the plane, Alton grabbed my arm and said, “I haven’t seen petty Crystal in a while.” I said, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

To get back at them, they did something small, but it made a point. You have to stand up for yourself and let other people know that your behaviour will not be accepted sometimes.



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