Almost no one recognizes this antique tool – are you one of the few who do?


Given how fast times change and trends shift, it’s no surprise that as we age, we might feel out of touch with the world around us.

I’m not just referring to major changes, but also to the subtle shifts that happen over decades. My grandmother, bless her heart, often reminisced about the habits and routines from her youth. She also showed us strange gadgets and trinkets that none of us recognized.

I can only imagine that I’ll feel the same way if I’m lucky enough to live as long as she did.

This nostalgia likely fuels the popularity of “what’s this?” articles online. People love posting pictures of mysterious objects, hoping to learn about their origins and uses.

A recent example has been making the rounds online, puzzling many about its identity and purpose.

When I first saw a photo of this tool, I was stumped.

Thankfully, some people knew what it was.

At first glance, it looks like a simple V-shaped tree branch, quite unremarkable.

But this tool has a rich history dating back to the 1500s and is associated with the practice of “Water Dowsing.”

According to reports, this tool is known by various names, including “diviner,” “doodlebug,” “well witch,” and “water-finder.”


Its main use? You guessed it: finding water!

The process involves holding the two branches of the V-shaped stick in each hand, with palms facing up. The stem of the V (where the branches meet) is angled towards the ground at about 45 degrees.

The dowser then walks back and forth, looking for signs of water, indicated by vibrations at the bottom of the V.

Originally, in the 1500s, dowsing with metal rods was used to find metals in the ground. Later, this method was adapted to locate water for people living in rural areas.

Watch the video below for more on Water Dowsing!

Did you know what this tool was used for? Let us know in the comments. If you found this article interesting, check out the one below for more intriguing insights.


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