Find Out What Really Caused My Stepson’s Sudden Change


Since I became a stepmother, I’ve always tried to give my husband Josh a loving and helpful home. However, his latest actions made me worry. Every Sunday, he would come home from visiting his real mother and be quiet and uncommunicative. I knew something wasn’t right, but he wouldn’t talk to me or his dad, Patrick.

I tried to dismiss it as a phase, but I could tell Josh’s mood had changed. He changed from a happy, talkative ten-year-old to a mysterious stranger. I didn’t want to ask him about his mood because I didn’t want to bother him. Patrick knew about my worries and agreed to talk to Josh about them.

But Patrick’s talk with Josh didn’t lead to anything. Josh just said that his mum was being herself and didn’t want to talk about it any further. I felt angry and useless after that.

On a Sunday, I found a chat between Josh and his mother Linda that told me a shocking truth. She was tricking him into stealing from our house so she could pay off her debts and get money for herself. Anger, sadness, and worry about Josh’s health were some of the feelings I had.

I talked to Linda and told her I would help her financially if she would stop involving Josh in her plans. I told Josh that everything would be fine after she said yes. That event taught me that you have to stand up for the people you love sometimes.

Thinking back on it, I saw that I had ignored my own feelings because I was so focused on being a good stepmother.

I should have worked harder to find out what was really going on with Josh’s quick change. I’m glad I was able to step in and help Josh get away from his abusive mother, though.

In a similar story, Judy, a mother, finds out that someone in her family has been taking from the savings jar that everyone shares. She has to deal with her anger and doubt in order to find the truth and solve the problem.


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