A Second Chance or a Secret Plan?


Life had other plans for me than to let go of the past. Tom, my ex-husband who left me for another woman, came to my door with a request that would make everything different.

I was in the middle of packing boxes when Tom suddenly showed up. It made me feel a lot of different things. His eyes used to be full of love, but now they were very sad. He was now a single dad to a little girl named Ava after losing the woman he left me for.

I didn’t expect Tom to ask for help, but what struck me was how desperate he was. He asked me to take care of Ava and be her mother. I saw the irony in the fact that the man who broke my heart now wanted me to fix his.

I felt a spark come back to me as I spent more time with Ava. There was still a strong desire to be a mother and care for and love children. But I couldn’t get rid of the urge to think Tom was keeping something from me.

When I found documents that showed Tom’s true goals, I knew I was right. His goal wasn’t to find a mother for Ava, but to take her fortune. I felt lied to, and not just by myself. Ava deserved so much more.

I learnt that some scars are too deep to heal and that some people are not worth another chance. I decided to protect what was most important to me: my relationship with Eric, the man who had healed my heart.

I knew I had made the right choice as I stood in the heavy rain with white roses in my hands and prayed for forgiveness.



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