The Stay-at-Home Fiancée Debate: A Proposal, a Promise, and a Puzzle


When a young couple gets engaged, it causes a lot of debate on social media, with some people calling the fiancée a gold digger. But is she really? Is there more to the story?

They met at the same place of work and seemed great together. As a researcher, he loved how organised she was, and as a marketing expert, she liked how stable he was. But when they talked about money, they found that their salaries were very different.

The fiancée asked for a $15,000 diamond engagement ring after proposing, which made her partner feel bad. But what really made people look twice was her choice to quit her job and stay at home with her fiancé.

People on Reddit were quick to judge her, calling her a gold digger and telling her fiancé that bad things were going to happen. Was she really greedy, though, or was there more to her story?

In an update, the fiancé talked about a more complicated chat he had with his partner. Work and wedding plans were too much for her, and she wanted to get away from the stress. She said she would look for a new job after the wedding and even thought about going back to school.

Some people are telling the fiancé to get a prenup, while others are doubting his honesty. But even with all the confusion, one thing is clear: people and relationships are complicated. Is it possible that the fiancée is both a loving partner and a product of the way society makes people act?

One thing is for sure: the partner needs to talk to each other, trust each other, and understand each other. Will love, work, and life all fit together for them? Time will tell.



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