I got home to a mess: my husband and kids had messed up our house. It was the last resort!


After a week-long work trip, I felt like someone had punched me in the gut when I got home. The last straw for me was my husband’s careless approach towards the mess and disorganisation. I was tired of doing most of the housework and taking care of the kids by myself.

With a sad heart, I packed my bags and went to stay with my parents to find comfort and safety.

When I got home the next day, Brandon was trying to get our crazy house back in order. Even though I could tell he was trying, I knew that keeping the house clean wouldn’t be enough to fix our relationship.

Brandon told me that he wanted to be a better partner and father as we ate dinner together. He admitted he was wrong and promised to do better next time. That was a start, but I knew it would take work and time to get back together.

I knew I couldn’t keep carrying the load by myself. I needed Brandon to step up and help me take care of our family and home. There was more to it than just the jobs. It was about showing respect and thanks for everything I did.

Something good was going to happen as we worked together to make things better. I was ready to try, even though it wouldn’t be easy. To make my marriage better for myself, Brandon, and our kids, I was ready to fight for it.



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