Surprise at the airport that didn’t go as planned: my funny poster scared her to death!


When Edward tried to greet his wife Louise in a funny way at the airport, things took a scary turn when Louise saw the sign and ran away in fear. The sign that said “I KNOW WHAT YOU DID” was meant to be funny, but it gave away a deep secret that Louise had been keeping from everyone.

Edward was left by himself, confused and scared. He tried to go after Louise, but guards stopped him. She didn’t answer the phone when he called. Edward called Louise’s mum, Julie, because he needed to know what was going on.

Julie told Louise a shocking secret: after college, she had a lot of surgery to change how she looked. Because of her cleft lip, she felt bad about herself and wanted to feel better about herself. But there was more. Louise had been in love with Edward in college and had changed how she looked so that he would notice her when they saw each other again.

The shock hit Edward. Neither did he know anything about Louise’s past or how she felt. He was numb, sorry, and eager to make things right.

When Edward finally got home and found Louise, she was crying. He truly apologised and reassured her that he loved her for who she was, not how she looked.

Louise had kept the secret for years because she was afraid of being rejected.

They became closer after Edward deeply apologised and promised to love her no matter what.

With a new sign that said “I LOVE YOU FOR YOU,” he showed his love by making her breakfast in bed. Louise finally felt loved and accepted for who she really was.

Edward could tell that their love was stronger than ever as they hugged. He was thankful for the sudden change of events that helped him find out the truth and love Louise even more.



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