A Poor nurse takes care of four old sisters and finds out what they want after they all die.


Cassandra Myers was a dedicated nurse who lived a simple life. She worked long hours at a local hospital and struggled to pay off the bills of her late parents. Not only did she care about her patients, but she also helped her four elderly neighbours with daily chores and errands.

Even though she was tired, Cassandra stuck to her promise to care for the sisters, who loved having her around and knowing she loved them.

As each of the sisters died, Cassandra was sad and planned their wakes. Attorney Abigail Smith told her a shocking secret at the funeral of the last sister: the sisters had left Cassandra their whole estate, citing her kindness and loyalty as the reason. Cassandra’s inheritance saved her life. It helped her pay off her bills and start over.

But the sisters’ children, who had ignored them in their last years, fought the will. But when they got letters from their moms saying how much they loved and missed them, they dropped their lawsuit and admitted they were wrong.

Cassandra never met the kids, but the fresh flowers they put on the graves of their mothers every year brought her comfort. It was a small way for them to show respect and forgiveness.

Others were moved by Cassandra’s selfless actions to reevaluate their relationships and show respect for those who really care. Her story is a lesson that being kind and caring can make a big difference, leading to rewards you didn’t expect and a happiness that goes beyond money.



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