The previous owner begged me to come in, and what I saw in the air vent shocked me.


That day, a stranger came to my door and said they were the previous owner of our house. I’ll never forget it. Even though I wasn’t sure, I let him in, and what he told me shocked me.

Jonathan and I bought the cosy house three years ago, but we didn’t know about its dark past. Walter, the stranger, seemed desperate as he showed me pictures of himself in our living room. I was on the fence, but he seemed honest, so I let him in.

Walter went right to the kitchen and took a lot of cash out of the air vent. I called 911 because I was scared and shocked, but he begged me not to. He said the money was hidden while they were going through a bad divorce, and he had come back for it now that the split was over.

He left with the money, and I wasn’t sure if I believed him. I now have more questions than answers. When I told Jonathan, he was very angry, so we decided to look into it more. Our real estate agent told us that Walter had never owned our house, which made us wonder what his real goals were.

It’s been two weeks, and we’re still looking for the truth. Even though we’re working with the cops, I feel uneasy about it. What does our house keep secret? And will we be safe now that we’re involved in this secret by accident?

I’ve learnt something important: always be careful and follow your gut. A knock on the door can change your whole life at any time.



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