Some Olympic fans didn’t like that Simone Biles ate alone while the other athletes did.


Many people think that Simone Biles is the best dancer of all time, and she proved it again at the Paris Olympics. Now that she has four more medals, she has made her reputation stronger. But it wasn’t easy for her to get to this point.

Biles had doubts about her future after her problems with the “Twisties” in Tokyo four years ago. She didn’t give up, though, and went back to racing stronger than ever. Even though she is successful, she is under a lot of attention and pressure. For example, she was criticized for eating in her room instead of the Olympic Village.


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♬ Benjamins Deli – JRitt

Because Biles has anxiety, which made her “shaking” and “overwhelmed” when she tried to eat while being watched all the time, she made her choice. Some people have stood by her, but others have quickly judged her and called her “stuck up” or “silly” for her decision.

This reply shows how much pressure athletes, especially ones like Biles, are under. Her story shows that even the most successful people have inner demons that they need to be understood and helped with. While we celebrate her accomplishments, let us also remember how much is expected of her.



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