Heartbreaking photo shows shelter pit bull “losing hope” after adoptions fall through — still looking for a home


Every shelter dog dreams of finding a forever home, but some are overlooked repeatedly, losing hope with each passing day.

A recent viral photo captured the heart-wrenching reality for Rocky, a 3-year-old pit bull who looked despondent after yet another failed adoption. However, there remains a glimmer of hope for this lonely pup.

Rocky has been at Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester since October 2022. His family had to give him up after being evicted and unable to care for him, according to Newsweek. Since then, Rocky has been adopted twice but returned each time, and has even had a few two-week trial adoptions. Unfortunately, he always ended up back at the shelter.

“He was most recently returned this past September and has had no luck since,” communications specialist Lindsay Brewer told Newsweek. “He’s a great dog, but he would thrive in a certain type of home that may be more difficult to find.” Rocky needs a home where he is the only dog and with adults only.

After over a year of disappointment, Rocky is feeling the effects, as shown by the heart-wrenching photo posted by the shelter. In the picture, Rocky sits in his kennel, alone, with his head hanging low in despair after another day of being overlooked.


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