A Diamond Ring’s Incredible Journey: From Lost to Found on a Carrot


In a remarkable tale of fate, Mary Grams, a Canadian woman, lost her engagement ring in 2004 while working on her family’s farm in Alberta. Despite searching tirelessly, she believed it was gone forever.

Fast-forward to 2017, when Mary’s daughter-in-law, Colleen Daley, pulled a peculiar-looking carrot from the same garden. To their astonishment, the carrot was wrapped around Mary’s long-lost diamond ring!

Mary recalled the day she lost the ring, which she had worn since 1951. She had kept its disappearance a secret from her husband, Norman, and even bought a similar-looking replacement to avoid upsetting him.

Years later, when Colleen discovered the ring, she immediately recognized it as Mary’s. The ring had grown perfectly around the carrot, making for a bizarre yet fascinating sight.

Overjoyed to be reunited with her engagement ring, Mary plans to wear it once again. Although her husband passed away five years ago, she cherishes the ring as a symbol of their enduring love.

This incredible story highlights the power of fate and the unexpected ways that lost treasures can reappear.


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