A Lesson in Trust and Misunderstanding


In a household where trust was in short supply, a young wife became convinced that her husband was having an affair with their attractive housemaid. Determined to catch him in the act, she hatched a plan to expose his infidelity.

One evening, without telling her husband, the wife sent the maid home for the weekend. Later that night, as they got ready for bed, the husband excused himself, citing a stomachache, and left for the bathroom.

Seeing her opportunity, the wife hurried down the hallway, up the back stairs, and into the maid’s bed. She turned off the light just as her husband entered the room.

Without hesitation, the husband pulled out a gun, climbed onto the bed, and began to beat the person lying there with intense fury. When he finally stopped, breathing heavily, the woman turned on the light and said, “You didn’t expect to find me in this bed, did you?”

To her astonishment, the man replied, “No, madam,” revealing himself to be the gardener.


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