When you check into a hotel, the first thing you probably do is drop your luggage on the bed or floor. But did you know that this common habit could be putting you at risk for a bedbug infestation?
Bedbugs are tiny pests that love to hide in soft, warm surfaces like mattresses, carpets, and upholstered furniture. When you place your luggage on these surfaces, you’re giving these pests easy access to your belongings. And once they’re in your luggage, they can easily travel home with you.
So, where should you put your luggage instead? The bathtub. It might seem like an odd choice, but the bathtub is one of the safest places in the room for your belongings. It’s a hard, smooth surface that bedbugs can’t easily climb onto, making it the perfect spot to keep your luggage safe.
It’s a small step, but it can make a big difference. By placing your luggage in the bathtub, you’re protecting yourself from unwanted pests and ensuring that the only thing you bring home from your trip is great memories. So, the next time you check into a hotel, remember: the bathtub is your luggage’s best friend.