Doctors told her to lose weight, but when a 104-pound tumor was found inside of her, everyone was shocked!


At just 20 years old, Allison Fisher was given a second chance at life after a shocking discovery: two massive ovarian tumors, weighing over 100 pounds, had been growing inside her for years.

The tumors, which may have started developing when she began ovulating, had been dismissed by doctors as mere weight gain.

Allison’s symptoms began in childhood, with a protruding stomach and chronic pain. Despite her concerns, doctors attributed her issues to her weight, leaving her feeling ignored and frightened. It wasn’t until her mother’s cancer diagnosis in 2021 that Allison found the courage to seek help again.

In November 2022, Allison finally consulted a specialist, who discovered the massive tumors through a CT scan.

The tumors were so large that they were compressing her organs and making it difficult for her to breathe. Allison was overwhelmed with relief when she learned of the diagnosis.

After a successful surgery, Allison underwent stomach surgery to aid in weight loss. She has since lost half of her original weight of 499 pounds and is now embracing life with renewed enthusiasm.

“I feel amazing and look forward to finally living my life,” she says. Allison’s story serves as a powerful reminder to prioritize our health and seek help when needed.


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