A funny message turns into a harsh truth


Travis’s wife Micaela thought she was making him laugh when she wrote a funny message on his chest before his work Christmas party. She had no idea that message would lead to a shocking finding that would destroy their lives for good.

Micaela couldn’t help but laugh at her own joke as Travis walked out the door. But when Travis came home, it was clear that he had been drinking, Micaela quickly went from being amused to worried. Then she saw it: Travis’s answer to her message, written in big letters on his chest: “Keep the change.”

When she asked Travis about the party the next day, he told her not to worry about it because the message was just typical of drunk coworkers.

But Micaela had a feeling that something wasn’t right. She told her mother what was going on and asked for help on how to deal with the new situation of marital mistrust. The wise words her mother spoke set off a series of events that would eventually lead to a terrible truth.

Micaela started to keep track of Travis’s whereabouts, and what she found broke her heart. Later, she saw him hugging another woman when she followed him to a fancy house. It was clear that he had been cheating on her, and Micaela’s heart broke into a million pieces.

Micaela got a shocking answer when she talked to Travis and the other woman. The woman’s brazen statement that husbands like Travis should be treated like “spare change” shocked Micaela.

Micaela’s life will never be the same after that terrible night. She started a trip to rebuild herself and learn more about herself that would take her to places she didn’t expect to go. From what she remembered, Micaela learnt that life has many twists and turns that we don’t expect, and sometimes a hard truth is what we need to wake us up.


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