Wild Mouse Goes Through “Rehab” After Eating Cannabis Plant


In New Brunswick, Canada, where cannabis is legal, a sneaky mouse got caught red-handed (or should we say, red-pawed?) stealing leaves from a farmer’s crop. But this little thief didn’t count on the powerful effects of the plant!

Farmer Colin Sullivan caught the mouse in the act, snapping photos of it munching on the leaves before passing out cold. Sullivan rescued the mouse and put it in a special “rehab” cage to detox.

As the mouse recovered, Sullivan shared its journey on Facebook, poking fun at its newfound love for cannabis. The posts went viral, with thousands of shares and comments cheering on the mouse’s recovery.

The “Stoner Mouse” saga even inspired Sullivan to open up about his own struggles with addiction and his journey to sobriety. The response was overwhelming, with many praising his honesty and congratulating him on his progress.

The incident also highlights the legal status of cannabis in New Brunswick, where it’s legal for adults 19 and older. While the government emphasizes public health education and responsible use, it’s clear that even the smallest creatures can get caught up in its potent effects!

So, the next time you hear about a “high” mouse, you’ll know the whole story!


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